2010 Predictions From Beyond : Channelled Messages
Greetings! It is our pleasure to be with you on this, your day, and to speak with you to remind you of the transformation that is occurring upon your planet at this time. It is also a time of transformation on a personal level so that you will begin to perceive your interconnection with all of life. You will begin to feel and practice this philosophy of life.
Allow the Change in Consciousness to Awaken with in You
This transformation is occurring with many, many individuals on a personal level throughout your planet. This is a time when there are enough individuals who are resonating this vibration of interconnection, of appreciation for each life form and the gift and wisdom that each experience brings into your world. It is because of this that great changes are beginning to happen across your planet.
Nanci Paluzzi
718 Grange Hall Road
Troutdale, VA 24378
Cosmic Pulse Ascension Symptoms for 2010: Intense Cellular Regeneration!
The Blue Ray Beings through Shekina
The Blue Ray Beings through Shekina
You have passed through a cosmic gateway in Earth's alignment to the galactic center. You are in the great purification. Very powerful energies of cellular regeneration and rejuvenation are taking place at a core level of your being.
This alignment has pushed many of the lightbearers and starseeds to the edge of their foundation. The power of the cosmic pulse of light has strengthened, ensuring that you are heading in the right direction no matter what the situation appears to be. (44)
This year you will make a choice that will affect your future and the direction of your life path. This will be a gift from the gods and your soul in completely taking back your divine power. You will know which way to choose, for your heart and your body will tell you loud and clear!
Shekina Patru

Gifts of the Coming Year: Mending the Gap That Brings Us Home
Octavia through Victoria Tunnermann
Octavia through Victoria Tunnermann
Greetings, beautiful ones! There is much to discuss in so limited a time, so we will get right to it. It is a new time in your sense of the word. There has been much discussion of the coming shifts and access to other planes. Let me explain that although there will be changes with these introductions, the most profound will come in the form of openness to spirit.
Communication Will Flow Between Worlds
Some of you are sensing it now; others will know it when it comes. There will be little separation between the physical selves you inhabit and the spirits of those you have known. There will be communication between yourselves and those who have passed from this physical world, as well as those who have not inhabited physical bodies in quite some time. Understand that this will not be simple communication with a few hints here and there. Certainly not! This new connection will envelop you with love and light so that parts of your brain that had not been fully aware or developed until now will suddenly be charged.
Victoria Tunnermann
Source : Sedona Journal
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