28 Signs You Are Ascending : Evolution 2012
Know that although our evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating, along with the new higher vibrational energies. We are all experiencing these changes in our own way and in our own time, according to who we are and according to our coding and plan before birth. In addition, generally speaking, our ascension process relates to how we each run our own individual energy and what our beliefs and experiences are. In other words, how we are wired and how we vibrate. These things can be changed and will also change automatically as we clear and embody more light within ourselves. For the highly sensitive, psychic and those very open to the higher realms, the ascension process can be a bit more challenging.

1) Moving into a better job that supports the expression of who you are, your passion or your mission, which are basically the same.
2) Greater financial abundance as you've never quite experienced before.
3) Most of your dreams come true and easily.
4) You attract a new mate/partner or you and your current partner have a relationship revolving around companionship with no issue related "hooks". You love, admire and adore each other for who you are with no dependencies.
5) As you further evolve, you re-unite with your "twin" who is a total reflection of you. Being together is like being with yourself and you feel a unity to Source as never before.
6) You don't seem to care much about anything and nothing seems to matter anymore. You have evolved out of the Old way of being of drama and emotions.
7) You have lost your interest in the "New Age" arena.
8) You KNOW that all your needs are met and will always be.
9) You no longer have the desire or need to make things happen, "to try" or "to fix" anything. You understand "allowing", "acceptance", "being" and "intent".
10) You can no longer relate to mental and analytical processes. You now relate to "feeling".
11) You no longer care what anyone thinks about you or anything else.
12) You understand that there is no right or wrong, good or bad, or black or white. Everything just IS.
13) You finally realize that there is no dark or light. The appearance of lack of light is simply to provide a contrast to spur us on to creating what really feels good. All energy is always going in the same direction, supporting the light.
14) You have lost your desire to read books or gather any more new information as you are now much more connected to Source and can gather it "directly" by being, feeling and "knowing."
15) Your health improves and/or you experience a miracle-like healing of a long standing physical ailment.
16) You crave a simplicity in all things and require and thrive on simple processes, simple desires and a very simple lifestyle.
17) You begin to experience a flow to life at a slow leisurely pace, where you need not do anything you do not really wish to. Everything falls into your lap. You experience much basking, savoring and gratitude for the simple things in life.
18) You only desire to do what is yours to do and no longer have a life full of mundane "responsibilities". When much releasing has been completed you are then left with a purified you…a gold nugget of your divine expression. This is your contribution to the New World.
19) You easily pick up the thoughts, feelings, desires and needs of others, as you are becoming telepathic.
20) You can control your emotions, your experiences and create your world with your mind and intent without doubt or fear.
21) Your surrounding environment has little effect on you. You don't take things personally. Nothing is really worth getting that upset about.
22) You have an unquenchable thirst for creativity. The enormous amount of energy running through you demands an outlet. You feel most as home and in alignment with Source when you are in your passion and creating.
23) You laugh a lot and find many things amusing and funny.
24) You have a heightened love and compassion for all living things. You are also experiencing higher states and more frequent state of love and joy.
25) You live in the moment without a "day planner". Things just naturally unfold day-by-day and moment-by-moment. All stress is gone.
26) You feel incredible peace. There is a distinct absence of fear and you feel safe.
27) Your inner child seems to have disappeared (relating to issues and wounds), although you love to play and frolic. Much of the time you just want to play, play and play!
28) You begin to have an understanding about how everything is connected. You understand that there are no mistakes.
All is in Divine Right Order and there is never and was never anything "wrong".
Forwarded ~ Courtesy of Aeon Pi
Many Blessings to all of you~
Reverend Saralise "Ahn-Tah-RA" Azrael
Founder and Executive Director
Legion of Light Global Ministries
✞ Bee Love ♥ ... Bee Light ☆ ... Always Remember ... This is the essence of who we really are mate ! ☉
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I can't find an email to contact you, so I am asking here...Would you allow me to copy the 28 signs you are ascending to my blog? I loved these and completely related to them.
Sure ! Happy To Share Dear One :)
Namaste !
This is amazing... I have always thought since I was 8 years old that things just do not seem right here. Not just because of murder or any evil acts but just by pure intentions in me (the feeling is of great separation)
My friend Ghanshyam Patel which is a person I met on my journey and I have met many different individuals and each one played a significant role in me becoming who I am today.
I often wonder is there something more? Very Interesting!
when doe's the feeling of something missing fade away? have felt most of my life that nothing in my life made any sense have never really fit in as i was growing up.can feel other people's emotions just by standing next to them and dream every night almost.
for some how the first day I recieved the book "the secret"...after reading it....everything has being changing to ward what this all says!..its like I've been guided by the universe to see and learn more about this unknown power. and Im seriously feeling changins daily...I feel becoming universalhuman :D!!
we are one as we come from the one,how can we connect directly or by email to discuss more and expand my knowldge?
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((( We are All One )))