Monday, August 18, 2008

The World is coming to an end ... is it ?!

When you google 2012 you see a lot of sites in the search results which speak about the significance of the year 2012. There is a whole lot of information out there about 2012 which generates primarily 2 kinds of responses among the masses, those of fear and paranoia thanks to unawareness of the sign of the times and those of love for the big change coming our way ! Like everything else there are only 2 emotional choices in life as of today ... those of love and those of fear ! We always have a choice to transcend repeating patterns with a little conscious awareness of our thoughts and our feelings which are of a higher vibrational energy of compassion from the lower fear based vibrations.

Here's a nice write up by John Major Jenkins Author of the Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 ...

How Not to Make a 2012 Documentary

John Major Jenkins. July 28, 2006.

On Thursday, August 3rd, The History Channel will air “Decoding the Past: Mayan Doomsday Prophecy”, at 9 pm ET/PT. (click on "Thursday" and "Decoding the Past" series). Also listed on the IMDb film website:

The press release write-up on the History Channel’s website reads as follows:

The world is coming to an end on December 21, 2012 ! The ancient Maya made this stunning prediction more than 2,000 years ago. We'll peel back the layers of mystery and examine in detail how the Maya calculated the exact date of doomsday. Journey back to the ancient city of Chichen Itza, the hub of Maya civilization deep in the heart of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, to uncover the truth about this prophecy. The Maya were legendary astronomers and timekeepers--their calendar is more accurate than our own.

By tracking the stars and planets they assigned great meaning to astronomical phenomena and made extraordinary predictions based on them--many of which have come true. Could their doomsday prophecy be one of them? In insightful interviews archaeologists, astrologers, and historians speculate on the meaning of the 2012 prophecy. Their answers are as intriguing as the questions.

Sounds like a fairly non-biased survey of ideas, theories, and scholarship. Well, it’s not. It’s 45 minutes of unabashed doomsday hype and the worst kind of inane sensationalism. The History Channel educates us only in how NOT to make a documentary about 2012. I speak from the vantage of someone who was consulted on the script content.

In addition, as a researcher into Maya cosmology and the Mesoamerican calendar systems, I was also interviewed for the documentary and appear in several segments. In fact, my pioneering work was supposed to be featured. However, the original concept for the presentation morphed through a series of executive edits to result in the error-riddled and flagrant attempt at fear-mongering and sensationalism that you can view on August 3. I’m always interested in clarity in examining how these things happen, so will share the background to the production of the documentary.

Last summer, I was contacted by the segment producer and asked if I wanted to be interviewed for the program. I discussed with him what they wanted to do. He said that their initial contact, who contributed formative ideas for the script, was a novelist named Steve Alten. He was the author of a book called Domain. This book liberally drew ideas and original research from my 1998 book Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, and combined it with science fiction and the space alien thesis of Von Daniken to offer a heady stew of fast-paced sci-fi adventure.

Alten has written other best selling books, choosing scary subjects like ancient sea monsters. The end of the world in 2012 must have proven irresistible to him, and Domain was followed by two sequels.

Alten wrote an initial two-page treatment for the History Channel’s segment producer, and it oozed with doomsday. My work, on the other hand, examines the early Maya site of Izapa, as the likely locus of the origin of the Long Count calendar (the 2012 calendar). The monuments of Izapa are thus viable sources of information on the original formulation of “the 2012 prophecy.” I also have investigated the symbolism of the Maya ballgame and the Hero Twin Creation Myth to propose a new interpretation of the Maya World Age doctrine being based in astronomy.

In brief, all evidence points to a repeating sequence of World Ages. To the extent that 2012 is the end of a World Age, the idea of a definite apocalypse and cataclysm is simply short-sighted. Instead, for the Maya, period endings great and small were always met with expectations of renewal and rituals to facilitate transformation.

The producers seemed to take my perspective to heart. They decided that a point-counterpoint presentation would be the way to do it, a dialogue between the doomsday and renewal perspectives. With the inclusion of archaeologist Dr. Arlen Chase, as a moderate grounding voice, the documentary proceeded as a non-biased presentation of different perspectives on 2012, and the viewer would be left to decide for themselves what they believed.

In the run-up to the filming trip to Chichen Itza in September 2005, I was emailed many times for various facts and figures, and directions to resources. Many of the facts I offered were not included in the final cut, or were used in service to the doomsday perspective. Dr. Cobos in Mexico and astrologer Bruce Scofield were also brought in to interview.

As many readers may know, my unique thesis about 2012 is that the ancient Maya intended that date to target a rare astronomical alignment within the precession of the equinoxes. The December solstice sun shifts along the constellations very slowly, and for thousands of years it has been proceeding backwards through the sidereal constellations of Aquarius, Capricorn, and into Sagittarius.

The Milky Way crosses through the zodiac in early Sagittarius, forming the Maya Sacred Tree or “crossroads” in the sky. At some point in time, an era defined by the alignment of the December solstice sun and the Milky Way will occur. It is an astronomical fact that this alignment of the solstice sun and the Milky Way occurs in the years around 2012, and my theory begins with this clue to examine how the astronomical features involved in this “galactic alignment” are central to various Mesoamerican institutions, including the ballgame and the Hero Twin Creation Myth.

Envisioning and understanding the galactic alignment has often been a point of confusion, even though it can be illustrated easily with 3-D graphics. I emphasized to the producers that it would be important to illustrate this alignment clearly, and after the interviews in Mexico I made my own little videotape for them, with me explaining with flip charts, precisely how the calendar and the galactic alignment could be illustrated with great effect.

I was particularly pointed about this, because in the summer of 2000 the Discovery Channel featured my work in their “Places of Mystery” series, and they used a very substandard still graphic to illustrate the galactic alignment. The producers agreed that a brief CGI segment to help viewers instantly grasp what precession and the galactic alignment are would be critically important.

As it turned out, I was told that the History Channel decided to excise their completed graphic from the final cut, in favor of a completely misleading picture of the earth undulating within an amorphous blob of spaghetti-like strings which gives no sense of precessional movement or the solstice sun aligning with the Milky Way, as viewed from earth. Unfortunately, this grave error proves to be only the tip of the iceberg.

In 45 minutes of airtime, the words “doomsday” and “annihilation” are repeated dozens and dozens of times. The narrator associates my galactic alignment thesis with doomsday several times. A brief 3-second clip in which I mention hurricanes and tornadoes was taken out of context. Much of the relevant explanations and material that I offered was disregarded and not included.

The sections on the mythology, ballgame, and the galactic alignment that they tried to include were handled ineptly, with the exception of my summary of the Hero Twin myth. My innovative work on the Pyramid of Kukulcan — a primary focus in the documentary — was completely neglected. German scholar Ernst Förstemann was mispronounced “Fosterman.” And the list of factual errors goes on and on.

What should be most apparent to any viewer is that the unambiguous message is: Doomsday 2012! What happened to the non-biased 50/50 split between the doomsday and renewal perspectives? That was what was presented to me as the framework a year ago. What happened? Sleaze, hype and sensationalism happened. For this to happen under the auspices of the History Channel is disappointing, to say the least.

Once again, even allegedly reputable documentary media outlets are hungry to have their way with the 2012 topic, to the continuing detriment of clarity and discernment. The History Channel’s documentary is a classic example of how NOT to make a 2012 documentary. And the onus of responsibility is placed squarely in their office, because the segment producers at MatchFrame 1080 had to abide by the editorial mandates of the HC execs, each time demanding that it be dumbed down, dumbed down. And hyped up, hyped up. This even got to the point where, just a short time ago, the title was revised to “Mayan Doomsday Prophecy.”

Where’s the non-bias in that? Strangely, the press-release, pasted above, is carefully crafted to give a sense that the documentary is indeed un-biased. So they want to have their cake and blow it up, too. Viewers expecting something new and interesting will be sorely disappointed. It’s the same old hype and disinformation that under-informed and sensationalized media sources have been shoveling out for decades.

One thing that the media execs at HC don’t seem to understand is that clichés and stereotypes don’t sell, and the public doesn’t buy them. Does Mr. Whipple sell toilet paper anymore? No. If making it sensational is really about a bottom-line profit motive, then the HC should take a clue from marketing & advertising gurus, who know that you can’t keep using the same selling gimmick year after year. Doomsday is an old, old, marketing gimmick.

The consuming public is too wily for that, and will quickly flip the channel. What needs to take place is a negating of the clichés and stereotypes. And in many instances the antithesis happens to be the truer position. One annoying cliché is “the Maya disappeared.” No they didn’t — there are still millions of pure-blood Maya living in the Guatemalan highlands.

Who dictates that the public will find this uninteresting? Or another malapropism: "Quetzalcoatl was a tall, bearded white guy." Give me a break. Another cliché reveals modern values misapplied to ancient Maya calendar science: “The Maya calendar was extremely accurate.” Well, perhaps, but that misses the whole point of the Mesoamerican calendar being designed as a holistic system of nested cycles that harmoniously embrace the commensuration of planetary and eclipse cycles. It’s not about precise accuracy, it’s about comprehensive comprehension.

The Mesoamerican calendar embraces not only different astronomical cycles, but different dimensions of human experience, from human biology to agriculture to astronomy. THAT is the wonder and miracle of Maya time philosophy. Mere accuracy is an irrelevant offshoot of the grand cosmovision attained by the Maya. To drool over the observation that the calendar is “accurate” is like saying that The Glorious and Radiant All-Compassionate Mother of the Gods is “cute.” No, it’s worse than that—it’s like saying she has a nice ass.

We must raise the bar in how Maya traditions are presented, and in how cutting-edge research is treated. In regards to the Maya, the media hasn’t progressed at all since Leonard Nimoy’s “In Search Of…” circa 1972. As far as I can tell, it’s not all still a mystery. Answers are being found; solutions and theories are being offered. And the History Channel has done a great disservice to the evolving discussion.

In the end, they aggressively emphasized the doomsday perspective of Steve Alten, a novelist who cherry-picked a few odd tidbits of superficial horror. The HC prioritized the doomsday perspective of a novelist whose goal was to entertain and make money, and neglected or misrepresented facts and careful research. If this is the kind of hype that is going to inform the public as we get closer to 2012, then we are in trouble. The problem is not with the viewing public, it's with the clueless producers.

For an example of a forthcoming documentary on 2012 that DOES raise the bar, produced independently without the benefit of $350,000 worth of wasted corporate funding, see

I will also be discussing the Hysteria Channel’s debacle on the night of August 3, after it airs, on Mitch Battros’s Earth Changes TV internet radio program:

Here's a part of the history channel video discussed above by John Jenkins ! He is right, it's all doomsday, annihilation, dark underworld ... :)

Source :

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

2012 Possibilities

Everyone is talking about 2012 all over the world and about the possible scenarios to the big shift !

Listed here are some of those possibilities :

Human Causes :

  • Flu Pandemic
  • Nuclear War / WW3 / Biological War
  • Large Hadron Collider
  • Nanotechnology
  • Religious Apocalypse
  • Nuclear Accident
  • Rise of the Machines
  • Genetic Modification
  • Time Travel Error

Cosmic Influences :

  • Nearby Supernova
  • Explosion from the black hole at the center of our galaxy - read about how something similar could have caused the recent tsunami
  • Gamma Ray Burst (GRB)
  • Asteroid/Meteor/Comet
  • Coronal Mass Ejection (CRE) from our Sun
  • Cosmic Rays
  • Solar System Falls Apart (butterfly effect)


Earthly Pandemonium :

  • Magnetic Pole Shift
  • Crustal Pole Shift
  • Supervolcano - ie Yellowstone
  • Ice Age
  • Global Warming

Most of the above mentioned scenarios are probable and more than one event occuring isn't ruled out either as there are greater cosmic forces holding together the balance of creation and sustenance and any they are all connected and affect each other. The Black Hole at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, which the Mayan's know as 'Hunab Ku' or 'Sacred Tree' is capable of altering Earth's EMF (Electromagnetic Field) drastically bringing about a whole lot to deal with in terms of survival of any form of life on Earth.

We have already made elaborate plans to safeguard our species in case of a threat of Global extinction. Norway has already started to build safe underground havens to accommodate 40% of it's population in preparation for 2012. We can only hope this transition is less chaotic and the path to ascension is peaceful ! The Tibetan Monks say the ET have been here for a while now helping us get through this difficult time in our history. There are giant motherships circling our planet and thousands of their smaller spaceships operating from secret underground bases and the ocean beds. Synchronicity surrounding 2012 is increasing by the day and everything is a gradual awakening leading to fruition of the prophecy.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Global ET Contact

The world is getting ready for something spectacular in 2012. According to researchers, the Federation of the Universe representing all the 88 star constellations will officially visit earth in 2012 and reveal themselves. It will bring an end to all UFO cover-ups in various countries.

In many countries all over the world the rumors are floating around that many Governments are being contacted at this time slowly to announce their presence and coming official visit. According to some, the human civilization has finally reached a level when the earth can officially become part of the Federation of the Universe.

They want an order and mo panic among people. A slow but steady process is on to slowly make people of the world ready to see the representatives of the Federation of the Universe. The world can finally become an official member of the Federation.

The Federation represents all the 88 constellations of stars. Constellations are patterns seen in the positions of stars. The modern celestial sphere is divided into 88 regions, each containing a different constellation of stars. Celestial Sphere is an imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth on which all heavenly objects (stars, galaxies, nebulae, etc...) seem to lie.

The map of the Universe and charted position of galaxies will be presented to the earth. In 2012 the world will come to understand finally the actual evolution process, the process of bending time and space, the fact that gravity is a wave and not a force and the fact that the whole Universe is run through electromagnetic flux generated through natural process or artificial means.

The earth will also be exposed to possible dangers to our planet that we do not even perceive. Emergency evacuation plans will be created in case of an unseen and unperceived calamity like what happened to Mars millions of years back. There is a genuine attempt being made to protect our civilization. The earth will be made ready to understand who we are, where is our origin and where is out future.

Even things like what happens to us after death and so on will also become clear in 2012. The world is getting ready for the facts slowly but steadily.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

2012 : Mayan Prophecy in a Modern World

2012: Mayan Prophecy in a Modern World

by Shaun Martinz

SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE ~ May 2007 Issue

According to many interpretations of the Mayan calendar, 2012 marks the end of time as we know it, or even the end of the world. Others believe that the world will not end but, instead, will be transformed as we move into an age of enlightenment. In order to understand how Mayan prophecies relate to us now in modern times, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the Mayan concept of galactic time, as well as ancient Mayan astrology and mythology.

What is known as the Mayan calendar is, in fact, a system of at least
seventeen different calendars used by the Mayan civilization of
pre-Columbian Mesoamerica- some of them charting time accurately over a
span of more than ten million years. What is commonly referred to as
the Mayan calendar today is actually a combination of three of these
calendar systems known as the Tzolk'in (the sacred calendar), the Haab
(the civil calendar) and the Long Count.

The Tzolk'in is based on the twentysix-thousand- year cycle of the
Pleiades and combines the numbers from one through thirteen with a
sequence of twenty day-names. It works in a similar manner to our
named days of the week and their dates within each month. After 260
days, the same number/name combination will recur, and the calendar
starts anew.

The Haab is an agricultural calendar and consists of eighteen months,
each with twenty days with the addition of a five-day month for a
cycle of 365 days.

The Tzolk'in calendar and the Haab calendar are combined to produce a
cycle of 18,980 days, which is a little less than 52 solar years.

The Long Count describes a great cycle of thirteen b'ak'tuns, which is
approximately 5,126 solar years. This system is comprised of a 360-day
year called a k'in; twenty of these k'ins are known as a uinal;
eighteen uinals make one tun; twenty tuns are known as a k'atun; and
twenty k'atuns make a b'ak'tun. This is relevant to us today because
December 21, 2012, is the end of the current great cycle that began on
August 11, 3114 B.C.


In order to better understand why some believe that the Mayan Long
Count actually ends in 2012, it is necessary to recognize certain
astrological and galactic cycles. At sunrise on December 21, 2012, for
the first time in twenty-six thousand years, the sun will rise to
conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the
ecliptic, which will form a great cross of stars and planets in the
sky. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred
Tree also known as the Tree of Life.

In 2012, there will also be a transit of Venus, when Venus passes
directly in front of the Sun from our perspective on the Earth. There
is a perfect alignment between the Earth, Venus and the Sun. The last
transit of Venus occurred in 1882, around the time of the rediscovery
of ancient Mayan sacred sites. Transits of Venus are fairly rare
celestial phenomena, and they occur in pairs, separated by eight
years, in alternating cycles every 105 and 120 years.

The solar meridian crossing the galactic equator and the earth
aligning itself with the center of the galaxy may signify the start of
a new era, and when we take into account the cycles of the Mayan
calendar, it truly does seem that we are in the midst of great
changes. In the book Popol Vuh: A Sacred Book of the Maya, which
chronicles the Mayan civilization' s creation myth known to the
Quiché Maya of the colonial-era highlands, the end of the thirteenth
b'ak'tun is of great significance. It does not mark the end of the
world but, instead, views humanity as moving from the World of
the Fourth Sun into the World of the Fifth Sun and a time of a rebirth.

It is believed by the Maya that we are no longer in the World of the
Fourth Sun, but that we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun.
This is the time inbetween, the time of transition, and if we choose
to use the Mayan prophecies as guidance, we can recognize that that we
are simply part of greater, ongoing cycles for humanity and begin to
live our lives accordingly. When we begin taking responsibility for
creating our own reality, we begin living in a very different world.

Since the advent of the Fourth Night, which began at the end of
November 2005, we have been integrating and preparing for
breakthroughs in the human collective experience. Due to the nature of
the laws of synchronicity, when this energy merges with our world as
it currently exists, we will experience changes in all aspects of
reality including earth changes, political upheaval and economic

Learning to understand the world from the Mayan galactic perspective
will be invaluable in the days to come. The Mayan calendar is not
simply a method of marking time, but rather a map of human potential
that is meant to assist us as we begin to perceive reality from a
global, multidimensional perspective. The Mayan information provides
symbolic keys and markers in time and space to help us navigate
through the new reality that is emerging through us.


2012 is not a future moment in time but rather an energy that
permeates every facet of our lives today, and we are encouraged to
integrate our vision for the future into who we are in the present by
taking responsibility for our choices and actions on a daily basis.
When we begin to take responsibility for the consequences of our
choices, we begin living in a very different world.

Carl Calleman, an internationally recognized Mayan expert, describes
the Mayan calendar as "an intentionally explorative and dynamic
process where the dates are offered only as synchronizing signposts.
What we do and who we are during these times are the features of our
collective awakening that ushers in the energies that the Mayan
calendar describes."

Regardless of how relevant ancient Mayan prophecies may seem to our
lives today, the fact remains that we are living in a time of
unprecedented global changes in weather, natural disasters, politics,
economics and education. With the technologies that we currently have
at our disposal, we truly do have the ability to change the world as
we know it-either by discovering how to live together peacefully,
which would in fact usher in an age of enlightenment, or by destroying
ourselves and our world. It is up to us.

Source :

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