
A great deal has been written about the end times and December 21, 2012, the date that the Mayan Long Count Calendar inexplicably comes to an abrupt end.
What is so intriguing about this moment in time is that the Mayans, who were master astronomers, calculated dates in the distant past that were millions of years old. Why would their calendar, constructed approximately 1,000 years ago, mysteriously end on the winter solstice of 2012?
Equally compelling is that almost one thousand years ago, in another part of the world far from the Mayans, the Wheel of Time (Kalachakra) was created. It contains a specific prophecy about the end days. The prophecy states that 960 years after the Wheel of Time is introduced in Tibet, which occurred in 1027 A.D., the end of time would come 25 years thereafter. Adding 960 to 1027 brings us to the year 1987. Add the remaining 25 years to this date and one arrives at 2012.
Several years ago a page appeared in this web site that offered different viewpoints about this defining moment in human destiny. The question I could not answer at that time was: As we approach 2012 and the New Age of Aquarius, would the collective consciousness of humanity be transformed without physical cataclysm, or would there be a great cleansing and purification required, as the Hopis and others have prophesized? Or would it be both?
I recently read a book called "The Mysteries of the Great Cross at Hendaye: Alchemy and the End of Time" that answered my questions. I am now fairly certain, barring a major, unforeseen miracle, that we are on the brink of the end times and all that comes with it. And it will indeed turn our reality inside out and upside down. This same kind of cleansing occurred in Atlantis thousands of years ago, when technology ruled the day, most of humanity was spirituality bankrupt, and greed and materialism were rampant.
Over the past 30 years or so, a great deal of spiritual and metaphysical information has been waved over our planet for mankind to react to. Because of it, a massive shift in consciousness has taken place for those of humanity who have heard and responded to that Divine calling. Relatively few with purity, goodness and love in their hearts, have done so. Just take a look at the world today and one can see that most have not. I strongly suspect that this polarization is part of the great purification process.
Many of you are familiar with the words in the scriptures attributed the end times. It is said that the wheat would be separated from the chaff and the sheep from the goats, on the basis of compassion for their fellow men. That will not be a future event. I believe this separation has already begun.
It is a known fact that over the ages our beautiful planet has experienced cataclysms. They have come in the form of floods, ice ages, asteroids, pole shifts and other upheavals, some of which have occurred in the blink of an eye and on a random basis. Our home is not as stable and safe as we would like it to be.
In addition to these calamitous events, the ancient adepts knew of regularly occurring cataclysms associated with a phenomenon related to precession, a 25,920 year cycle of time caused by the slow wobble of planet Earth. This Great Cycle, or Cosmic Year, dominated the thoughts of Egyptian, Mayan, Native American and other ancient cultures. It was crucial that their astronomers knew exactly where they were in this cycle, because their very existence depended upon it.
The Hendaye Cross's Secret
The great cross at Hendaye in southern France is a monument to the end of time. It is encoded with alchemical information about the Great Cosmic Year and the cycles of cleansing that regularly occur within it.
More importantly, the cross' message goes on to describe how the cleansing will happen as a result of a double catastrophe, in which the northern hemisphere of planet Earth will be "tried in fire" due to an event that originates within the center of our Milky Way galaxy. I have now read the Hendaye cross book twice. It is clear that the authors have based their findings and conclusions on excellent scholarship, thorough research, science, and rich, logical thought.
What is very refreshing and honest about this book is that the authors acknowledge that "the end of the world has been predicted many times before. And since those predictions have failed to come true, why would the prophecy encoded in the Hendaye cross be any different?"
The authors then convincingly show, by masterfully putting the pieces of an alchemical puzzle together, that they do not base their claims on prophecy. Rather they point to specific planetary and celestial alignments that are connected to periodic cleansings, which have happened in the past and will happen again. As a matter of fact, it may have already begun.
The end of time conclusions uncovered in the Hendaye cross book are not without basis. Recent scientific evidence supports the notion that great changes in our world are occurring and will intensify as we head towards 2012.
During early 2004, a Pentagon research paper was made public by Fortune magazine and the Guardian newspaper. Although the report doesn't pretend to be a forecast, it presents a plausible scenario, which is nothing short of sensational. Because of the dramatic climate changes caused by global warming expected over the next 25 years, the Pentagon authors reveal that...
- Abrupt climate change could "bring the planet to the
edge of anarchy... as countries defend and secure
dwindling food, water and energy supplies"
- "Between 2010 and 2020 Europe is hardest hit by
climatic change"
- "Deaths from war and famine run into the millions"
- "By 2007 violent storms smash coastal barriers
rendering large parts of the Netherlands inhabitable"
- "In California the delta island levees in the
Sacramento river area are breached, disrupting the
aqueduct system transporting water from north to
- "Riots and internal conflict tear apart India, South
Africa and Indonesia'
- "Mega-droughts affect the world's major
breadbaskets, including America's Midwest, where
strong winds bring soil loss"
- The threat of nuclear war increases dramatically
- Great Britain and surrounding countries will be well
on their way towards a Siberian-like climate
- "Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of
- Climate change "should be elevated beyond a
scientific debate to a US national security concern"
- This global threat will be greater than terrorism
Scientific evidence shows that abrupt (few years) climate change is not only possible, but has happened in the past. Two recent articles in Fortune and Common Dreams describe how these changes were associated with the last Ice Age, which occurred 13,000 years ago. And it appears that it is about to happen again.
Adding credibility to climate change concerns is a new phenomenon called "global dimming." Scientists have discovered that, during the past 40 years, 10% less sunlight is reaching planet Earth due to pollution of the atmosphere. Compounding this negative development are findings obtained from the 1993 Ulysses spacecraft study, which shows that increasing levels of cosmic dust are entering our solar system from the direction of the galaxy's center. And we can expect even more dust beyond 2005.
In related research, other scientists have been studying the salinity (salt) levels in the North Atlantic for the past 40 years. They find that melting glaciers in Greenland and other arctic ice packs are flushing fresh water into the northern Atlantic ocean and reducing its saltiness. This dilution effect can slow down or shut off the flow of a massive ocean current (pump) in this part of the world that directly affects the regional weather. This current includes the Gulf Stream, which brings warming temperatures to the Northeast USA, Eastern Canada, Great Britain and surrounding countries. If it is rapidly lost, severe winter conditions would result within several years. As an example, the average temperature of Europe would drop to 9-18 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Pentagon report also points out that leading up to the year 2010 our global climate will become hotter, especially during the summer. This is in turn would trigger the release of even more fresh water into the Northern Atlantic ocean from melting glaciers, adding to the disruption of the Gulf Stream's rhythmic flow. At some point thereafter, conceivably within several years, winters in the northeast USA, eastern Canada, Great Britain and surrounding countries will become quite severe. And there will be serious climate ripple effects felt in other parts of the world as well.
Finally, there was a recent article published in a Canadian newspaper that not only highlights the above startling findings, but describes other symptoms of rapid climate change taking place on our planet.
How does all of this relate to the the Hendaye cross in southern France?
The extraordinary message carved into the mysterious cross flows forward from the ancient Egyptian mystery schools by way of the secret knowledge of alchemy, Gnosticism, the Kabbalah, Sufism and mystical Christianity. It appears that the body of information related to the end times and the 25,920-year cycle was a survivor from the last days of Atlantis. The focal point of the book is that the cross is a key link to this ancient information. As such, it is a marker stone for a future cleansing that will occur around 2012.
Regarding the cycles of time, one of the authors (Weidner) tells us in a related article that...
"Rather than perceiving past and future from a purely linear point of view, the great adepts, and masters of these ancient spiritually based traditions, knew that the flow of time and human experience is not linear but cyclic."
Sacred Tantric texts from ancient Indian times, several thousands of years before the Bible, describe how the 25,920-year Great Cycle was divided into four ages or Yugas. That is...
"In the same way that we as human beings experience the ebb and flow of cycles such as the seasons of nature, the phases of the moon, birth, growth, maturation and death, humanity, as a whole, experiences the rise and fall of a larger cycle of existence known as the Maha Yuga. This Maha Yuga or Great Cycle is composed of four ages known as the Satya Yuga, or Golden Age, the Treta Yuga or Silver Age, the Dvapara Yuga or Bronze Age and the Kali Yuga or Iron Age."
Today we are not only at the end of the Iron Age, but the end of the 25,920 year cycle as well. And that is crucial to understanding the information that follows.
The article goes on to say that...
"This final stage of the cycle, in which we now reside, is known as the Iron Age. According to the texts, it is the Age our race has lived in for at least 6000 years. It is the period of time known to us today as history."
"According to ancient lore, the Iron Age is an Age where the world turns to steel, black magic becomes religion and men lust for control and dominion over both human beings and the very earth itself. The earth, the air and the water become polluted. Wars, famines, and plagues envelop the human race. Time itself speeds up until exhausted, the world and the Age come to an end and a new cycle begins."
Just take a good look out your window today and one can see that these end-of-the-Iron Age symptoms, clues and markers are everywhere.
The End of Time Celestial Alignments
In order to appreciate the Hendaye cross message about the end of time, one has to understand the phenomenon of precession.
Briefly, planet Earth revolves on its north/south axis like a slow-spinning top that wobbles. As a result of this wobbly motion, our north pole traces out a large, imaginary, counterclockwise circle in the heavens that takes about 25,920 years to complete. This single cycle of precession, equal to 1 Cosmic Year, is perhaps the greatest secret that was taught in the mystery schools of ancient civilizations and is a key part of the alchemical knowledge. The image below shows the 25,920-year circle of precession. Today our North Pole points to the star Polaris.
Our sun, the Earth, the Moon and the rest the sun's planets form a simple star system. It is one of billions of such systems in the Milky Way galaxy, in which we currently find ourselves.
The Milky Way is a massive, circular galaxy with arms that spiral out from its center. Viewed from the side it looks like a flat pancake with a bulge in the middle. It is one of billions of galaxies in the universe. The center of our galaxy is said to contain a massive black hole or something with incomprehensible energy at its core that periodically explodes sending its incomprehensible energy to all parts of the galaxy.
Our astronomers are able to draw a north/south axis line through the center of the Milky Way's core, just as we draw a north/south axis line through the center of planet Earth. One can see a north/south line in the galaxy image below.
Just as planet Earth spins around on its axis once every 24 hours, the Milky Way takes about 200 million years to complete one revolution.
The authors of the Hendaye cross book point out that the "deepest secret of the mysteries... has been the location of the center of the galaxy." Somehow, the adepts of ancient times knew this location and that celestial knowledge is encoded within the cross' symbols and their alignments. One has to wonder how our ancestors obtained this knowledge without advanced astronomical instruments. It was only in 1917 that our astronomers located the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
In the yellow image below, let's imagine that we are looking down on a specific part of the Milky Way galaxy. Note that the horizontal line, stretching from the zodiac signs, Gemini (left) to Sagittarius (right), ends on the right side of the circle called the galactic center. Also note that the dashed line aligns with the zodiac signs Leo (top) and Aquarius (bottom). This smaller circle lies within the larger circle that makes up the entire Milky Way galaxy. The smaller circle can be likened to the face of a 25,920-year cosmic clock. Keep in mind that the solid horizontal and dashed lines never move. They are key reference points on the clock's face for what is to follow.
What the authors of the Hendaye cross book show quite clearly, through the use of commonly used astronomical computer programs, is that a third line, the axis of precession, moves around the circle (see image below) like the big hand of a clock, while the other two lines remain stationary. The counter-clockwise motion of the big hand is the result of precession. As one might expect, it takes 25,920 years for the big hand of the precession clock to make one complete turn. This moving third line, colored red, can be seen in the image below.
One can see in this same image that 2,160 years ago the top part of the red line was leaving Libra and entering Virgo, as it heads towards the sign of Leo at the 12 o'clock position. At the same time, the red line on the bottom is moving to the right out of Aires and into Pisces. This ushered in the Piscean Age 2,160 years ago. Today, the red line is straight up and down right on top of the dashed line, as the New Age of Aquarius begins. This specific "cross" formation happens just once every 25,920 years and is THE key alignment in the cycle. Today we are at the end of the Iron Age and the 25,920 year cycle... a very important time when cycles within cycles climax around 2012.
This special alignment was known to the ancient adepts, astronomers and astrologers. They also knew periodic alignments are formed when the moving red line reaches each of the 4 cardinal points on the circle of time (i.e. 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock positions). These alignments, occurring every 6,480 years, correlate to the 4 different ages. But, it was the 25,920-year (and the 12,960-year alignments that brought destruction to Atlantis), which received the most attention.
The authors of the book go on to say that the Hendaye message, ancient alchemical knowledge, and recent scientific findings all point to the core of our Milky Way galaxy as a source of massive periodic outbursts or explosions of light. The ancient adepts also knew that the galactic center was the source of light (rays) from a Creative Intelligence that is guiding the evolution of humanity and everything else in our galaxy. This force, which the Hindus refer to as Vishnunabhi, determines the quality and quantity of life and intelligence on Earth.
This is not as far-fetched as it seems. The authors point to the scientific findings of physicist, Dr. Paul LaViolette, who supports this metaphysical concept in his book, "Earth Under Fire." In that book, LaViolette shows that approximately every 13,000 years or so a catastrophe, originating in the center of our galaxy, arrives from outer space and turns planet Earth inside out and upside down so that another major cycle can begin. The last time this happened large quantities of cosmic dust entered our solar system and interacted with our sun in a way that caused it to produce greater heat, thereby ending the Ice Age.
Furthermore, Dr. LaViolette has examined ice core samples from Greenland. They showed that periodic explosions from the center of the galaxy deposit cosmic dust (iridium) on the surface of our planet. These deposits occur in 13,000 and 26,000 year intervals, suggesting that the pulse from the center of the galaxy is somehow linked to the cycle of precession.
Connecting the Dots
For those who are aware and can "see" what is happening in the world today, something big, is indeed, taking place. Things just feel different. For years I have been reading about the end times. The Hopis, the Mayans, Edgar Cayce, the Tibetan Wheel of Time and other messages from various sources all point to "today."
Why is it that a sense of apprehension and unsettledness is felt by so many these days?
Why is global warming, global dimming and the reduced salinity of the North Atlantic becoming issues at this moment in time?
Why has one of our spacecraft shown that higher levels of cosmic dust and debris are entering our solar system from the direction of the galactic center?
Why has the weather become violent, erratic and drought-ridden in many parts of the world?
Why has the pentagon issued a climate change report eight years before 2012?
Why have chemtrails been sprayed in the skies all over the world for the past four years, which appears to be a desperate means of climate control?
Why is it that the Alaskan permafrost is melting so rapidly that telephone poles are leaning in every which direction?
How is it that 19,000 European citizens died of heat exhaustion in a 3-week period during the summer of 2003?
Why was the summer of 2002 the hottest it's been in the last 500 years and why have the last 10 of 11 summers been the hottest in USA record?
Why are the glaciers in the Swiss Alps and the Peruvian Andes melting rapidly? Over the past century some Swiss glaciers have shrunk by over 50%.
Why has the world's second largest insurance company just issued a warning about the imminent global warming catastrophe?
Why is it that the hottest eleven summers in a row have occurred just prior to 2012?
Why has there been a massive retreat of Artic ice over the past 30 years (see images)?
Why did NASA say, during March 2004, that "Global warming could plunge North America and Western Europe into a deep freeze, possibly within only a few decades."
Why did Great Britain's chief scientist, Sir David King, recently say that we "face climate disaster?" Why has the British government attempted to muzzle him since that statement?
I can't ignore all of this information. It forms a body of interrelated facts and clues that is hard to dismiss.
Should we throw our hands up in the air and give up all hope? Absolutely not. The cleansing may take quite a while to complete, or it might occur in the blink of an eye. Will life be challenging because of the coming changes? Yes it will. Could a divine being, such as Maitreya, step forward at any time and point the way for humanity towards solutions that we must achieve on our own? That is also possible.
Or perhaps a tear in the fabric of time and space will occur opening a portal into the lower levels of the 4th dimension. Those who are ready to enter that gateway would do so as spiritual beings, while the rest of a materialism-driven humanity remains in the 3rd dimension to journey through another 25,920-year cycle until they are ready to graduate.
Keep in mind that alchemy in the broadest sense is not about the conversion of lead into gold by the burning off of impurities. That is just an analogy. Rather, it is the transformation of a lost humanity from its current "lead-like" selfish, ego-centered, materialistic ways into the golden Beings of Light we truly are, but have forgotten.
Towards this end, the Hendaye cross book refers to the interactions that Dr. Alberto Villoldo has had with Peruvian shamans... "Villoldo also speaks of a possible break between Homo sapiens and what he refers to as an emerging species, Homo luminous." Perhaps it will be the latter beings who graduate and are ushered through the 4th-dimensional gateway.
One thing is for sure, these same shamans believe that something more profound is involved this time around, and that a quantum leap in humanity's experience is about to occur. There is no question that the human race is being driven towards something incredible, but exactly what remains to be seen. And if you have read this page to this point, and understand its real meaning and significance, then chances are you are ready to graduate.
The best advice I can give is to stay God-centered, have no fear in your heart and do your best to give unselfish love and service to humanity, Earth Mother and all her creations.
Source : From The Stars
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