Saturday, October 13, 2012

Space Brothers Here To Help : UFO Contactee Movement

In this video presentation titled "Space Brothers Here To Help", Gerard Aartsen gives an account of UFO Contactees of the early days up to modern times.

He says that this phenomena has been happening for a very long time and in modern times beneficial and enlightened contact has been initiated by them. Usually a single person is the contactee and information spreads through them to the public.

One of the early contactees, George Adamski has been mentioned extensively in Gerard's book, "Here To Help : UFOs and the Space Brothers" ...

When asked more about the Adamski Contacts, Gerard adds ...

"George Adamski was the first person to go public with his experience of having met a man from space, on 20 November 1952. There were six witnesses who all signed affidavits before notaries public confirming his story. In his book Inside the Space Ships he describes how he was invited on board flying saucers and mother ships on several occasions, where he was given insights into the nature of space and the universality of life by beings which he described as spiritually highly advanced – not to mention technologically advanced. He referred to some of them as Masters, like the Masters of Wisdom on our planet, who have gone ahead of us along the path of evolution and are leading the way by inspiring and guiding humanity from behind the scenes. In fact, in my first book, George Adamski – A Herald for the Space Brothers, I brought together evidence that Adamski studied with some of the Masters in Tibet as a teenager. The teachings which he conveyed in his writings are very similar to the teachings that have come from the Masters of Wisdom through H.P. Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey and more recently Benjamin Creme.

Sadly, when Adamski was reaching a worldwide audience with his message of hope, corporate and military interests went out of their way to defame him and deride his experiences, which not only resulted in Adamski’s being ignored for the most part since the early 1960s, but also resulted in the myriad conspiracy theories that seem to have infested the field of Ufology ever since, confusing and scaring the public about the extraterrestrial presence."

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